Saturday, December 04, 2010

2010 WISH Advent Spiral

Waldorf-Inspired Sacramento Homeschoolers (WISH) held its annual Advent Spiral Sunday, November 28, the first Sunday of Advent. There were about 55 people in attendance, with about 27 children walking the spiral. It was a pretty amazing experience to have that many children in the room . . . . and yet, so quiet and reverent was the mood.
The following verse, by Nancy Foster, was recited to help set the mood / tone of the event:

Deep Mid-Winter drawing near,
Darkness in our Garden here - -
One small flame yet bravely burns
To show a path which ever turns.

Earth, please bear us as we go,
Seeking Light to send a-glow:
Branches green and moss and fern,
Mark our path to trace each turn.
Brother animals, teach us too
To serve with patience as you do.

We walk with candle toward the Light
While Earth awaits with hope so bright:
In the Light which finds new birth
Love may spread o'er all the Earth.
Deep Mid-Winter drawing near - -
May Light arise in our Garden here.

We sang a simple song as the children walked the spiral, with the exception of the two teens who participated. We let them walk in silence, symbolic of their emerging independence.

It was a simple, profound event.

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